Porcupine Sedge

Carex hystericina
Water-loving sedge for erosion control

 - Porcupine Sedge

Out of Stock

Height Range: 12 - 36 inches
Seeding Rate: 18-24 PLS lbs/ac, Drilled, 1 PLS lb/1,000 sq. ft
Seeds Per Pound: 525000

a.k.a. Bottlebrush Sedge is a cool-season sedge with a fibrous, clumping root system and short rhizomes. Once established, it's great for preventing erosion, and can withstand seasonal flooding. This moisture-loving sedge grows best in sites that are moist to wet, under full to partial sun. It can withstand very short dry periods. It is natively found in wet prairies, swamps, fens, moist meadows, calcareous seeps, marshes, and ditches. This plant works well for water run-off mitigation projects and erosion control.