Rice Cut Grass

Leersia oryzoides
A water-loving, cool-season grass

 - Rice Cut Grass  - Rice Cut Grass

Out of Stock

Height Range: 36 - 60 inches
Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 1lb PLS/ac Drilled: 1lb PLS/ac
Seeds Per Pound: 360000
Growing Season: August - September

Also known as sicklegrass, Rice Cutgrass is a cool-season grass that ripens late more like many warm-season species. It is found in wet, sunny to partially shaded areas most commonly near streams, ponds, ditches, canals, and freshwater marshes. It has a low drought tolerance, and no salt tolerance. Rice Cutgrass is an important food source for the Least Skipper butterfly and is considered highly palatable for grazing. Use this plant in moist soils and for soil stabalization. 


PHOTO COURTESY OF: Anna Gardner, Sept. 3, 2002, hosted by Iowa State University - Grasses of Iowa