Ashy Sunflower

Helianthus mollis
A perennial that can thrive in drier soils

 - Ashy Sunflower  - Ashy Sunflower

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Height Range: 1 - 3 inches
Seeding Rate: 1-8lbs PLS/ac
Seeds Per Pound: 144000
Colors: Yellow
Growing Season: July - September

a.k.a the Downy Sunflower is a perennial named for the white hairs that grow on the stem and leaves of the plant giving it and "ashy" appearance. This wildflower can grow up to 3' in height and can thrive in drier sand or clay-type soils. Each plant has multiple flowering heads, each around 1-3" in diameter. Blooming between July and September, it would work well in open areas such as prairie or roadsides. If used in a garden setting, seed heads would need to be removed before reaching maturity to prevent it from taking over smaller areas.