Common Arrowhead

Sagittaria latifolia
Provides food and cover for many aquatic animals!

 - Common Arrowhead  - Common Arrowhead

Out of Stock

Height Range: 12 - 48 inches
Seeding Rate: 1-4 lbs/ac
Seeds Per Pound: 67000
Colors: White
Growing Season: July - September

a.k.a Duck Potato is a rhizomatous perennial that thrives in very wet, fine soil-types. Commonly found and planted near marshes, swamps, forested seeps, ditches, and in the shallows of streams, lakes and ponds. It is common for waterfowl, songbirds, beavers and muskrats all feed on the seed and tubers of the plants. The arrowhead-shaped leaves also help provide cover for fish and aquatic insects. Common Arrowhead produces a flowering head at the ends of the stalk with multiple sets of white flowers that later turn to bur-like fruits.