Wildflowers for Shade and Sand


Shade, by definition, is an area that is sheltered from the heat and glare of the sun. The majority of wildflowers require at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day for best flowering. Woodland-type plants can flourish in shaded areas, but most need a certain amount of direct sunlight. Even though some plants are listed as tolerant of partial shade, it must be understood that there is an inevitable relationship between the amount of sunlight and plant growth. That is, as sunlight decreases, plants will be shorter and produce smaller blooms. Good soil fertility and occasional watering during dry periods will help plants tolerate shady conditions. The wildflowers listed here require sunlight, but demonstrate reasonable shade tolerance: Shasta Daisy, Lance-leaf Coreopsis, Dames Rocket, Purple Coneflower, Scarlet Flax, Cornflower, Mexican Red Hat, Blackeyed Susan, False Sunflower, Catchfly and New England Aster. We recommend our Shadow Wildflower Mix in shady areas.


Dry soils with low organic matter have little nutrient value and make plant growth difficult. Plants with a deep root structure can usually provide the drought and heat tolerance needed to exist in these soils. Some of the flowers that have demonstrated ability to survive in sandy soils are: Butterfly Milkweed, Upright Prairie Coneflower, Purple Prairie Clover, Perennial Lupine, Cornflower, Lemon Mint, Blanketflower, Missouri Primrose, Blue Flax, Blackeyed Susan, False Sunflower and Showy Partridgepea. Our Pioneer Wildflower Mix does exceptionally well in poor soils.