Product Listing
A variety of high-performing turf grasses and mixes to suit any management or maintenance goal
Learn more about Turf:
Fine Fescue Blend
TRADITION -- The perfect cool season turf for difficult-to-manage areas
Turf Type Tall Fescue
Defiance XRE -- Defies drought, disease, and insects!
Prairie Partners Mix
A low growing, fine bladed, native grass mix that makes an attractive, dense sod
Sports Turf Mixture
Perfect for Athletic Fields, Parks, or High Traffic Areas
Sundancer Buffalograss
A premium, warm season turf with accelerated establishment and lush green color
Cody Buffalograss
An economical, dependable turfgrass that provides desired establishment, density and drought tolerance
Shady Grass Mix
A tolerant, cool season mix for deep shade to partial sun
Kentucky Bluegrass
A perennial, cool season sod-forming grass for grazing or turf
Turf Type Perennial Rye
Perennial Ryegrass with Improved Turf Qualities
Chewings Fescue
Cool season, fine-leaved, shade tolerant turf grass
Creeping Red Fescue
Cool season, sod-forming grass that likes shade
Hard Fescue
Cool season bunch grass for shade or high altitude
Sheep Fescue
Cool season bunchgrass that does well in sandy or gravel soil types
Starter or Maintenance Options to Meet Your Specific Needs
Red Weeder
Hand Held Wick for Exact Herbicide Placement and No Spray Drift