Texoka Buffalograss

Buchloe dactyloides
An economical, forage-type buffalograss for low maintenance cover, pasture, and short grass prairie settings

- Texoka Buffalograss

Purchase Texoka Buffalograss

Bulk lb - Texoka $36.00
25+ : $34.50
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Height Range: 8 - 10 inches
Seeding Rate: 2-3 Bulk Lbs./1,000 sq. ft.
Seeds Per Pound: 40000

Where color and density are not major concerns, Texoka offers an economical choice for a low maintenance cover. Its hardiness under adverse conditions makes the grass a long-lived plant for pasture or short-grass prairie settings. For greener, more lush turf settings, choose a turf-type buffalograss like Sundancer or Cody.

Texoka is not recommended for shady areas or elevations above 5000 ft.

Plant in spring or summer.