Little Bluestem

Schizachyrium scoparium
A versatile bunch grass that's blue-green in the summer & russet red in the fall & winter

Little Bluestem - Little Bluestem  - Little Bluestem

Purchase Little Bluestem

PLS lb $17.50
20+ : $16.00
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Height Range: 12 - 36 inches
Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 1 PLS Lb. / 3,000 sq ft | Drilled: 8 PLS Lbs. / Ac
Seeds Per Pound: 260000

This perennial, warm season bunch grass is native to 45 of the 50 states making it the most abundant of all native grasses. It grows well on uplands or lowlands over a wide range of well drained soils. Little Bluestem is used in low maintenance mixtures with other lower growing natives for recreational areas, golf courses, roadsides, and wildlife habitat. It turns a brilliant russet-red color in fall through winter making it a great choice for landscaping or ornamental purposes.

Plant in spring.