Joe Pye Weed

Eupatorium maculatum
Irresistible to our winged friends

Joe Pye Weed - Joe Pye Weed  - Joe Pye Weed

Purchase Joe Pye Weed

Ounce $40.00
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Packet $4.00
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Height Range: 48 - 72 inches
Seeding Rate: 1 oz. / 1,600 sq ft
Seeds Per Pound: 1520000
Colors: Pink Red
Growing Season: April - July

Joe Pye Weed displays flat top clusters of multiple branched flowers that rest on stems filled with five inch whorled leaves with saw toothed margins. The flowers are pink to red in color. This perennial prefers moist to semi dry soils in full sun to partial shade. More fertile soils will produce taller plants, but they can be cut back to increase blooms and shorten height. Our winged friends find the summer through early fall blooms irresistible. One packet contains 2 grams.