Roundhead Lespedeza

Lespedeza capitata
Native perennial legume

Roundhead Lespedeza - Roundhead Lespedeza  - Roundhead Lespedeza

Purchase Roundhead Lespedeza

Bulk lb $105.00
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Ounce $10.50
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Packet $4.00
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Height Range: 24 - 48 inches
Seeding Rate: 4 oz. / 1,000 sq ft
Seeds Per Pound: 128000
Colors: White
Growing Season: June - August

Also known as Roundheaded Bushclover, this native legume has bushy green-colored blooms that form atop a branched stem. The flower petals are white with a purple spot on the banner petal. Roundhead Lespedeza is quite drought tolerant and compliments any grass, forbs or habitat mixture. This perennial blooms late summer through fall. One packet contains 6 grams.