Sundancer Buffalograss

Buchloe dactyloides
Hottest Buffalograss Under the Sun!

Sundancer Buffalograss - Sundancer Buffalograss Sundancer Buffalograss - Sundancer Buffalograss Sundancer Buffalograss - Sundancer Buffalograss Sundancer Buffalograss - Sundancer Buffalograss Sundancer Buffalograss - Sundancer Buffalograss Sundancer Buffalograss - Sundancer Buffalograss Sundancer Buffalograss - Sundancer Buffalograss Sundancer Buffalograss - Sundancer Buffalograss

Purchase Sundancer Buffalograss

3 lb Bag - Sundancer $95.00
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Height Range: 4 - 8 inches
Seeding Rate: 2-3 bulk lbs / 1000 sq. ft.
Seeds Per Pound: 40000

Introducing Sundancer, the most advanced Turf-Type Buffalograss available to the turf industry today! This new variety fills the demand for a warm season turf with accelerated establishment and superior turf quality from seed. Sundancer is widely adapted and has proven itself a PREMIUM turf, suited to a variety of diverse environments.


In a three year trial at locations in AZ, CO, KS, NE, NM, UT, VA, and WA; Sundancer ranked first in all categories. Side by side comparisons with other commercially available varieties showed Sundancer a step above the rest.


  • Faster Establishment from Seed (Similar to KY Bluegrass)

  • Dark Green Color

  • Disease & Insect Resistance

  • Early Spring Green Up & Fall Color Retention

  • Enhanced Density and Fine Leaf Texture

  • Broad Adaption

  • Lower Plant Height


While Sundancer is improved in these areas, it retains the core low maintenance characteristics that make Buffalograss desirable.


  • Extreme Drought Tolerance

  • Low Water & Nitrogen Usage

  • Winter Hardiness

  • Lateral Spread by Stolons

  • Low Growth Habit


Sundancer should be planted in locations receiving at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day. Clay based or heavy soils are preferred. Sandy soils may require amendments to aid establishment. Results may vary over 5,000 ft. elevations. Plant mid-spring through early-summer.


Use Sundancer for residential lawns, commercial sites, parks and rec areas, golf courses, medians, or anywhere an attractive low maintenance turf is required!

 Area of Adaptation for Sundancer Buffalograss