
Puccinellia distans
Salt Tolerant

Alkaligrass - Alkaligrass  - Alkaligrass

Purchase Alkaligrass

PLS lb $4.75
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Height Range: 6 - 24 inches
Seeding Rate: 4 pls pounds per acre
Seeds Per Pound: 1200000

Cool Season, salt tolerant,  perrenial bunch type grass with a fibrous root system. Alkaligrass was discoverd dominating salty areas of fairways in a Colorado golfcourse.  Displays good color and density as a turf in salty or high pH settings.  It works excellent in roadside mixtures as it can dominate in the high salt/ high pH areas and gives way to more aggressive varieties where salt is not an issue.  Used in establishing cover on saline soils. Fults and Salty are commonly used varieties.

"Puccinellia distans" by Kristian Peters -- Fabelfroh 07:20, 11 July 2006 (UTC) - photographed by myself. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -