
Panicum virgatum
For soil conservation, pastures and prairie.

Switchgrass - Switchgrass  - Switchgrass

Purchase Switchgrass

PLS lb $13.50
20+ : $12.00
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PLS lb - Cave In Rock $19.50
25+ : $18.00
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Height Range: 48 - 60 inches
Seeding Rate: Drilled: 5 PLS Lbs. / Ac | Broadcast: 1 PLS Lb. / 4,200 sq ft
Seeds Per Pound: 389000

Switchgrass is a warm season, native bunch grass. It is very winter-hardy and drought resistant. It prefers Lowland, moist sites, but is adapted to a wide range of soils and climates including sand. The height and extensive root system of Switchgrass can cause it to become dominant over time in mixtures with other natives. It has moderate salt tolerance and can be used for soil conservation, warm season pasture, hay, wildlife habitat, and has become a potential source for bio-energy production. In fall, this plant has a red cast and turns orange/yellow in winter.

**Liberty Switchgrass**

Liberty Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) is a lowland-type cultivar adapted to USDA plant hardiness zones 4, 5, and 6 in the Great Plains and Midwest, east of the 100 degree west longitude.  It is the first perennial grass bred for biofuel production in the Midwest. Potential yields are 8 tons/acre without irrigation on marginal soils. In the seeding year it can reach 50% of the potential biomass yield, with full yield achieved the following growing season. It has significantly greater winter survival in its area of adaptation than previously released lowland types such as Kanlow and Alamo.