Dwarf Red Coreopsis

Coreopsis tinctoria, red
Short wildflower with deep red petals

Dwarf Red Coreopsis - Dwarf Red Coreopsis  - Dwarf Red Coreopsis  - Dwarf Red Coreopsis  - Dwarf Red Coreopsis

Purchase Dwarf Red Coreopsis

Bulk lb $35.00
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Ounce $6.00
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Packet $4.00
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Height Range: 12 - 24 inches
Seeding Rate: 1 oz. / 1,000 sq ft
Seeds Per Pound: 1400000
Colors: Red Yellow
Growing Season: May - June

Dwarf Red Coreopsis has yellow centers with deep red flowers. A native to the central Midwest, it prefers low moisture areas in full sun to partial shade and grows in patches. Seeding in spring produces the best results as this allows the plant to produce viable first year seed necessary to reseed itself. This flower blooms early spring through summer. Typically this plant is an annual, but occasionally is a short lived perennial. One packet contains 2 grams.