Sand Bluestem

Andropogon hallii
Desirable grass on sandhills ranges.

Sand Bluestem - Sand Bluestem  - Sand Bluestem

Purchase Sand Bluestem

PLS lb $33.50
20+ : $32.00
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Height Range: 24 - 60 inches
Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 1 PLS Lb. / 1,300 sq ft | Drilled: 16 PLS Lbs. / Ac
Seeds Per Pound: 113000

Sand Bluestem is a native warm season, sod forming grass that grows extremely well in sandy range sites. However, it will also survive on heavier well-drained soils. It can be used in grazing programs, for erosion control, or ornamental arrangements. Mature grass exhibits a golden-yellow to reddish-brown colors in fall and winter.